****Click here to schedule your COVID-19 Clinic Boost or Primary Series****
Visitor Guidelines -For the safety of all patients, visitors and staff, please review the following guidelines:
All guidelines are subject to change without notice.
Please refer to the Iowa Department of Public Health-COVID-19 in Iowa website for current COVID-19 statistics: https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/
June 13, 2022
Who is eligible for a boost dose of COVID vaccine anyway? It can be confusing navigating ever-changing recommendations and minimum intervals between the original prime series and boost doses. The information provided below will provide current COVID-19 recommendations to help you determine if a boost dose is indicated for you or your family members.
For those that are generally healthy and are not moderately to severely immunocompromised, the recommendations for receiving a boost dose are outlined below:
For those that are moderately or severely immunocompromised, a total of three prime doses are recommended, followed by boost dose recommendations as listed below:
Who may be considered moderately or severely immunocompromised? Any person that meets the following qualifiers but not limited to:
Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Of note, both Pfizer and Moderna have applied for an Emergency Use Authorization for children 6 months through 4 years for their COVID-19 vaccines. On June 14, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will meet to determine if the vaccine is safe, effective, and appropriate for use in this age group. If approved, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) will meet for final review on/around June 22, 2022. If pediatric COVID-19 vaccine is approved for 6 months-4 years of age, vaccine will be available at Myrtue Medical Center’s Harlan Rural Health Clinic soon after. For a pediatric COVID-19 vaccine appointment, please call 712.755.4444.
Currently, Shelby County is in the moderate community transmission level, indicating an increased risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. Should you choose to follow CDC recommendations for a COVID-19 vaccine boost dose or start a primary series, please contact any of the following provider options: Your healthcare provider, Myrtue’s Public Health Department, or local pharmacies that offer COVID-19 vaccine.
December 20, 2021
Primary Series
COVID-19 vaccine primary series is offered for 12 years of age and up--Pfizer only. COVID-19 Moderna or Janssen primary series is available for anyone 18 years of age and older. Anyone 12 and older with moderate or severe immunocompromise should receive 3 doses of Pfizer or anyone 18 years and older for the Moderna mRNA vaccine as their primary series.
Boost Doses
COVID-19 Vaccine BOOST DOSE (Moderna) for people 18 years of age and older must meet the following eligibility criteria:
COVID-19 Vaccine BOOST DOSE (Pfizer) for people 12 years and older must meet the following criteria:
COVID-19 Vaccine BOOST DOSE (Janssen) for people 18 years of age and older must meet the following criteria:
Mix and Match Authorization
The FDA amended Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 vaccines to allow for the use of each of the available COVID-19 vaccines as a mix-and match booster dose in eligible individuals following completion of a primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine. A mix and match approach is only allowable for the booster dose only—not as part of a primary series. This means that you will be able to choose the vaccine you want as your boost dose or may do so in consultation with your healthcare provider prior to the clinic. In general, the same product used for the primary regime should be used for the booster.
NOTE: The CDC is endorsing updated recommendations made by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP recommends Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines should be given instead of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine when possible and appropriate.
November 19, 2021
Myrtue Medical Center Offers Boost Dose Clinic for Eligible Shelby County Residents
Eligibility Criteria for Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Boost Dose Vaccine
Eligibility Criteria for Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Boost Dose Vaccine
Mix and Match Authorization
The FDA amended Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 vaccines to allow for the use of each of the available COVID-19 vaccines as a mix-and match booster dose in eligible individuals following completion of a primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine. A mix and match approach is only allowable for the booster dose only—not as part of a primary series. This means that you will be able to choose the vaccine you want as your boost dose or may do so in consultation with your healthcare provider prior to the clinic.
Preparing for Myrtue Medical Center’s Boost Dose Clinic
Public Health follows the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to ensure you receive vaccine that meets standards for storage, handling, preparing, administering, and monitoring to ensure a safe and effective vaccine for all you. If you have questions regarding the clinic or your specific eligibility, you may call Public Health at 712.755.4422 for further information.
July 27, 2021
3 things you should know about the delta variant:
The COVID-19 delta variant is spreading rapidly around the world, just
as many people were beginning to feel hopeful that the pandemic was coming
to an end. Despite the spread of this new, more contagious strain, there’s
still room for cautious optimism that we can halt the spread.
Here are three important things you will want to know about this strain:
1. Viruses constantly change when they spread from person-to-person and new strains of a virus (called variants) are expected to occur.
2. The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) is currently the most common COVID-19 virus strain circulating around in the US, the region, and in Iowa.
For those who get an mRNA vaccine, the second dose of vaccine provides a higher level of protection so it is important that people get both doses.
3. People who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are most at risk of getting, being hospitalized for, and dying from COVID-19.
Mass Vaccination Clinic Being Offered on April 9th and April 10th in Harlan
On Friday and Saturday, April 9th and 10th, Myrtue Medical Center’s
Public Health will host a mass COVID-19 Pfizer vaccination clinic with
1,170 doses available. Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network (CPESN)
helps support community efforts to vaccinate communities across Iowa.
The CPESN network includes Rex Pharmacy and Pexton Pharmacy. Rex and Pexton
Pharmacies are helping supply the vaccine for the Myrtue Medical Center
mass vaccination clinics scheduled for April 9-10.
“With all Iowans being eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine beginning April 5, the timing of this mass vaccination clinic couldn’t be better,” said Lori Hoch, Myrtue’s Public Health Director. “Distribution will be for everyone who is 16 years of age and older.”
“Myrtue Medical Center’s hospital staff, Shelby County Emergency Management Agency, the Harlan Fire Department, and the Harlan Police Department are helping to staff this clinic, including checking in, educating, vaccinating, and monitoring patients,” said Hoch.
The Prime (first) doses will be given on Friday, April 9th, or Saturday, April 10th, with the Boost (second) dose scheduled for Friday, April 30th, or Saturday, May 1. By mid-May, mass vaccination clinic recipients will be fully vaccinated and ready for summer.
Vaccination clinics will be located at the Veteran’s Auditorium, 1104 Morningview Drive, Harlan. The time on Friday, April 9th, will be 1:30 – 6:00 PM. The time on Saturday, April 10th, will be 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Vaccine appointments for this event will be scheduled by going to:
The link will become active on Tuesday, March 30th at 8 am to schedule your appointment. You may also visit the Myrtue Medical Center’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) for the same appointment link.
Please bring your insurance card and your identification to your appointment. COVID-19 vaccinations are free of charge but you’ll be asked if you have health insurance with a private provider, Medicare or Medicaid because your insurance can be billed for the cost of administering the shot. However, you will not receive a bill. In addition, print out the Pfizer consent form and review the Pfizer Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheet on https://www.myrtuemedical.org/covid-19-vaccination-updates/
If you are over age 65 and need scheduling assistance, please call 712-755-4422. Your patience is appreciated as appointments fill quickly.
Please share this information with family and friends who may not have internet access. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please remember to cancel so that other individuals can take advantage of this opportunity.
(Des Moines, IA) Effective Monday, March 8, Iowa vaccine providers can officially begin vaccinating additional priority populations. Individuals 64 years of age and younger with medical conditions that are or may be an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 are now eligible. See Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for those conditions here.
If you are in this priority group, Click here to schedule your COVID-19 vaccination appointment.
This announcement comes as several Iowa counties have reported they are
nearing completion for vaccinating previous priority population groups.
Some counties and vaccine providers will remain focused on previous priority
populations until they are closer to completion.
Because vaccine production has not fully met the demand for vaccine, Iowans
will need to remain patient as vaccine production increases. The White
House announced this week that by the end of May, there will be enough
vaccine for anyone over the age of 16 who chooses to receive one.
At this time, the 211 Call Center is still only for Iowans age 65 and older
who need assistance scheduling an appointment and don’t have access
to the technology to do so.
It’s critical to continue practicing the mitigation measures that
can slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Vaccinated Iowans should continue
these precautions as we are still learning whether getting a vaccine will
prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people,
even if you don’t get sick yourself.
Today, the Iowa Department of Public Health announced CVS and Walgreens in several Iowa counties will have a limited number of doses available to individuals age 65 and older. This one time allotment of doses is left over from the Long-Term Care Pharmacy Partnership program.
To view available appointments, please see below:
Vaccine supply is extremely limited. We ask our community to be patient as we all work to vaccinate as many individuals as possible given the vaccine availability. Currently, demand for vaccine far exceeds the supply.
Iowa is expanding Phase 1B to include Iowans age 65 and over.
On January 21st, we received notice from Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) that 65 year-old people will be eligible for Phase 1B vaccine. Myrtue’s Public Health currently has 524 reservations for the 75 and older population and we will honor their reservations first. Anyone over 65 years of age and older that calls on or after 1.21.2021 to reserve a vaccine, will be added to the list based on when the request was received. Please keep in mind that the vaccine supply remains very limited and it will take some time to get everyone in Phase 1B vaccinated at current vaccine allocation rates.
Please call 712.755.4406 to reserve your slot if you are 65 and older or are an essential frontline worker as identified in the Phase 1B infographic. You may also email us at vaccine@myrtuemedical.org (this email will be active until 3.10. 2021) and provide your name, phone number, date of birth, your address, and your eligibility criteria. We will continue to take reservations through 1.29.2021. The phone lines will be covered from 8 am to 4 pm.
We are subject to Iowa Department of Public Health changes and vaccine allocations and are adjusting accordingly. Unfortunately, the supply did not increase with the expansion of the Phase 1B population. We ask for your patience as we work through this extensive Phase 1B population—both by age and frontline essential workers.
Phase 1B Priority Populations--UPDATED 1/21/2021
Persons aged 65 years and over. OR, the following populations vulnerable
to high risk of exposure or severity of illness (listed in order of priority):
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Community members who meet Phase 1B criteria can call Public Health at the following number:
If you are age 75 and older and already called to put your name on this, you DO NOT need to call again. Your name will stay on this list.
January 13, 2021
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) released guidelines for COVID-19 vaccine priority populations for Phase 1B. These guidelines are based on recommendations from the Iowa Disease Advisory Council (IDAC) and Iowa Department of Public Health. Myrtue's Public Health will start taking phone calls to reserve your spot. Myrtue will notify you when we have vaccine available for you. Wen we receive our allotment of vaccine, Myrtue's Public Health will call you and set-up a time to schedule your vaccine.
1B Priority Population Group Includes (more listed in the press release attached above "Press Release Regarding the Vaccination"):
Community members who meet Phase 1B criteria can call Public Health at the following number:
Even though you may reserve your spot, vaccination will not be scheduled until vaccine supply is received. You will be notified at that time. We are anticipating Phase 1B vaccinations will begin on or about February 1st.
Each state has a unique distribution plan. Learn more about IDPH vaccination plan:
Are you experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell?
Routine Appointments, Check-ups, Screenings and Immunizations
Maintaining appointments and seeking care is critical for all healthcare conditions, especially those conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, and lung disease. It is also important to keep well-child visits and make sure childhood immunizations are up-to-date and delivered on time.
Virtual appointments are available for various types of visits in the Rural Health Clinic for safety and convenience from their home or anywhere using a computer or mobile device. Telehealth visits allow you to have a medical consultation with a healthcare provider using live video chat from the comfort of your home.
Myrtue Medical Center is following guidance from the CDC and has put a number of measures in place to ensure the safety of patients and employees.
Visitor Guidelines -For the safety of all patients, visitors and staff, please review the following temporary guidelines:
Limited Entrances - Myrtue is limiting the access points that patients and visitors can use to enter our buildings. This is to ensure that everyone who enters our buildings has been screened.
Screening Questions - At these two entrances, screening questions will be asked of each person entering the facility. The screening questions include:
Testing Cost -If you do not meet the Iowa Department of Public Health criteria for COVID-19 testing at the State Hygienic Lab, the cash price for a COVID-19 test administered upon the direction of your practitioner is $195.00. The price for a Serology IgG (antibody) test is $67.00.
Everyday prevention methods are very important:
Use credible sources for information: